Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Day 25: Listless

My sleep is usually fitful, nightmare-fraught, interrupted and of little actual rest. Some nights are worse than others, and leave me with little capacity to focus on much of anything. Today was one such day, resulting in a sort of going-through-the-motions approach. I have things on my mind, but not the energy to undertake saying them at this point.
Weekly Income From Creative Endeavors - $5/$500
Adhere to Daily Schedule - No
Write 5,000 Words/Day - 0/5,000
No Artificial Ingredients in Diet - No
115 to 135 g of Protein - Yes, 131g
Weight of 77 kg, 8% Body Fat - 70.8 kg, 12% Body Fat
Practice Singing - Yes
HTML/CSS/Javascript - Studied and coded body and hierarchy constructs in HTML.
Still learning,

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