Thursday, May 16, 2013

Day 6: In Which I Already Find Myself Wondering If I Will Keep Titling These

But seriously, I'm doing these every day. I give it a year before I just start rolling my face on the keyboard and calling it a title.

So, the black bits are, distressingly enough, pulp from the lemons and limes I used to start flavoring my water. I guess that means I will, in fact, have to just go ahead and juice the things, because whatever is going on there, the bits taste quite unpleasant. Oh well, we're learning by experimentation. Science!

I almost managed to stumble into another dietary no-no today--Sunflower Oil! It's not an artificial ingredient, mind you, but the normal stuff is absolutely loaded with polyunsaturated fat. Thankfully, it turns out it's high-oleic, which is almost all monounsaturated, so, yeah. As far as protein content is concerned, I managed to pull through yet again, at 143 g of protein, which brings me to a point-of-order for the journal as a whole.

Last entry, I forgot to, but starting with this one, when I make progress on a goal, unless there's some particularly noteworthy aspect, the result will be listed in bold at the bottom of the article. I want to reserve the article space for the really interesting parts of my day/undertakings from now on. Oh, and I should also mention that goals which saw no progress will just be listed in italics. What losers!

Also, everyone aspiring to be creative in any field ever should read this. There's a bit of hostility there that makes me uncomfortable--because it reflects my own feelings too clearly, methinks--but the message is still great, and suitably humbling for me.

Which is good, because you'll notice below that I didn't make much of a dent in my goal set. Of course, there are boring work-related reasons for that, but better time-management could have alleviated it somewhat.


- - - Goals - - -

Livable income from creative endeavors alone 

Adherence to a daily schedule

Cut all artificial ingredients from my diet
120 g of protein per day - 2 days consecutive

Weight of 77 kg, 8% body fat
Write 5,000 words daily

Improve singing - 1 day of training regimen

- - -

Still learning,

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