Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Day 21: Coming Attractions

Now that I'm maintaining more regular habits and steadily building up steam that way, there are a few things I want--and to some extent ought--to put that momentum towards immediately. The first of these is a career move: much as I loathe social networking, I need to set up accounts with the major platforms for the sake of promoting my creative endeavors, because their reach is too far to be ignored. I also need to keep my ear to the ground for other promotional outlets, and to put together a proper website of my own.

I have a Youtube presence ready to mobilize, but I'm still unsure of where to start. I know that I want to use it as part of my language-learning initiative, and to promote my musical endeavors when they take off, but I'm not sure how much impact it could have on my other efforts or how to go about harnessing it for those less obvious ends. Perhaps this calls for some experimentation?

Weekly Income From Creative Endeavors - $5/$500
Adhere to Daily Schedule - No
Write 5,000 Words/Day - 0/5,000
No Artificial Ingredients in Diet - No
115 to 135 g of Protein - Yes, 126g
Weight of 77 kg, 8% Body Fat - 70.7 kg, 12% Body Fat
Practice Singing - Yes
 Still learning,

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