Here we are, having broken up that big, ugly list into more meaningful groupings, which leaves us only with the task of describing their actual meaning and choosing the goals I will start this endeavor with. Let's wade right into the muck, beginning with Core goals, through to Priority goals and ending with Interest goals.
Livable income from creative endeavors alone
This one is easily quantifiable, because I have a particular number in mind: $500/week. Though I live in an expensive part of the world, my material needs are relatively humble, I have the ability to cook and I have no debts to pay, so this number can keep me fed, clothed and sheltered comfortably. At that point, I can scale back time spent trying to secure or executing freelance jobs.
Travel the world
This one is less quantifiable, as political circumstances in some regions may cause country borders to shift over time, but my intention is to see every country, traveling around as cheaply as possible, really taking my time to soak up the environs.
Cut all artificial ingredients from my diet, 120 g of protein per day, Reach a weight of 82 kg at 9% body fat, Improved flexibility
These goals have been grouped together because they all feed into each other, as my essential fitness goals. My own experiences have convinced me of the truth of that old axiom that a healthy mind must reside in a healthy body. Moreover, with the scope and depth of my ambitions, I need to forge a body that can offer me as much energy and functionality as possible for as long as possible. Both the 'artificial ingredients' and protein objectives are things that have to be complied with on a daily basis, while 'improved flexibility' is technically measurable, but not feasibly for me, so for now, I'll simply focus on making sure I do my mobility exercises and stretches every day.
Regarding the weight goal, however, since I initially wrote up that list, I have had some time to mull it over. With respect to my ultimate fitness target, which is to partake in a single amateur cage fight, I think I'd first like to see how strong I can make myself as a fighter in the Welterweight division (77 kg max) before I go through the process of piling on another 5 kg. So, instead, we'll modify that goal to 77 kg and 8% body fat.
Develop a video game
This one probably seems a bit out-of-place in the list of essentials, but the fact of the matter is that I've wanted to do this for as long as I have been self-aware. Though I do not play them as much as I used to or would like to anymore, video games were an integral part of my childhood and shaped much of whom I am today. I do not care what capacity I serve in when developing the game, I just want to be part of the process; that alone would satisfy me.
Total adherence to a daily schedule
Another goal that requires day-to-day maintenance, the first step in this goal is to develop a schedule that gives me room to pursue what I absolutely need to pursue right now while still allowing some flexibility for less crushingly urgent goals and--shockhorror!--maybe even a social life. The schedule will evolve over time as my circumstances do, and when that happens, I'll update you good folk.
Write 5,000 words daily
This goal is the most immediate, direct path to achieving my utmost essential goal; living entirely off my creative endeavors. It is also one that will take some time to ease into, as I have found that my long absence from truly regular writing has greatly reduced my speed of production. For the time being, I'll be happy just to push my productivity a little bit further each day, eventually hitting this mark and sticking to it.
Learn to compose music
Composing music requires a more developed knowledge of music theory than I presently possess, as well as some basic playing ability and a much more trained ear. If I compose an album of original songs, alongside the various re-arrangement projects I have long had in mind, I will consider this goal reached.
Learn to sing
This might more accurately be called "improve my singing." In this case, I have my own idea of what singing I could be satisfied with sounds like, so for accountability's sake, the best I can do is to adhere to a daily regimen of vocal exercises until I find a vocal coach who can help me develop the voice I want.
HTML/CSS/Javascript/Web Design
This goal is essential for designing the personal and professional websites I need to solidify my online presence and help promote my work. I know HTML and CSS well enough to get by, but seem to struggle with remembering exact details of certain features. I'll study my way through the W3C documentation on HTML and CSS and experiment with the various features until I have completely memorized and mastered them. Then, I'll move on to working my way through "Eloquent Javascript" and its various assignments. Web Design, as a discipline, involves various aesthetic studies for which I have chosen resources. Once I can implement an aesthetically pleasing, functional website making use of Javascript features, I will consider this goal reached.
Graphic Design
This is another goal that is an essential part of my writing process, as part of catching the eye of potential readers is having a well-done cover, and a pleasing-to-read-through layout never hurt in keeping them coming back. This will simply be a matter of setting aside some time here and there to get more comfortable with Photoshop, studying and practicing. Being able to create attractive books is my completion mark here.
Neither time-sensitive nor career-essential, but, like developing a video game, it's high on my list of "things I have always wanted to do." When I can illustrate my own work, I will consider this goal accomplished.
Improve typing speed
A priority mostly because it makes my 5,000 words-per-day goal easier and less time-consuming, though it also has its more general uses (e-mail, chat, blogging, coding) that make it a general quality-of-life improvement for someone as computer-oriented as me. This one is, thankfully, easily measurable. I'll be aiming for a 90 wpm sustained speed.
Improve cooking skills
Much harder to measure, as taste is very subjective, my palate is unrefined, and my objective with eating is nutrition more than taste. When I commit to this goal, my objective will simply be to cook one new meal each week and to try to cut down on the time spent cooking old ones.
Write 1 Poem Daily
This one's rather obvious, isn't it?
Music Production/Instruments
Sound engineering/mixing/editing and the like. I want to apply these skills at a sufficient level to do justice to the compositions I discussed in the 'core' section.
I want to learn at least one programming language well enough to have some sense of the process of it all when developing a video game, even if I'm not the project's programmer. I chose Python in particular because I like it insofar as I've already used it, and because I want to use the Django framework for more complex elements of my eventual personal website. Being able to write simple programs in Python and web apps in Django will meet my needs.
Feats of Strength
Let's go ahead and bundle the jumping and running and such under this header, too. Apart from being cool, these are great measurements of functional strength. For the things that are specific movements, being able to do one with perfect form, unassisted, will meet the goal. For the timed and distanced things, obviously being able to meet those numbers is the completion point.
Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science, Linguistics
Each of these fields of study will be pursued according to a curriculum conforming to MIT's undergraduate degree requirements for those fields. Completion of the curriculum will count as achieving my goal, but these will likely be subjects of lifetime study.
My goal for photography, shallow as it may seem, is simply to be able to sell one print of a photograph I have taken. I feel this is the sort of thing where people are discriminating enough in their purchases that you'd really have to turn out something truly outstanding for people to pay for it.
I want to act in a single play produced by an established company. That is all.
Language Learning
Many people would consider this an 'interest' goal--and scoff at the sheer number of languages listed--but for me, it's instrumental to experiencing my travel fully. English is widespread, but I cannot and do not want to rely on it always being an option wherever I go. Ergo, it's more than just my love of languages and their beauty that fuels me. Priority'd, yo. As far as what 'achieving' this goal means, I'd consider a language 'learned' sufficiently if I can hold a conversation with a native speaker intelligibly and command a 2,000 word vocabulary.
Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, 1 Amateur Fight
These go hand in hand, and extend my overall fitness goals. While training at a gym, they won't let me enter the ring until they feel I've met a certain standard. Being able to meet that standard will be my completion condition for this goal.
Learn to play Go
Call me a dreamer, but this is a goal I'm giving myself a lifetime to pursue, so let's aim high: I'll aim to be ranked 1st amateur dan.
Read 1 Book/Week
Pretty obvious how I'd measure this one.
Re-read classical writings
I'd outline a particular canon for this project, which would be considered completed when I had read every item on it again.
Learn keyboard shortcuts
I'm mostly thinking of Photoshop here, but there's definitely no concrete 'finishing point' for this one. It'd be a repeated effort from application to application, anyway.
Memorize metric system conversions
For the sake of demystifying measurements while traveling abroad. My focus is on converting for units of distance, mass, area and volume.
Create an aquaponic farming system
Creating the aquaponics system and successfully cultivating both plants and fish for three months is my goal.
Write 1,000 words of fanfiction daily
Oh dear. But yes, I seriously have that much fanfiction I want to write, still.
Sound Design
As in the making of sound effects and instrument data from recordings for musical or theatrical use. I'd like to create one sound that I like enough to use in a composition.
See my explanation of composition and of my 'priority' instruments goal.
D3, Programming Languages, R, SQL, Bash Scripting
Simply put, I want to be able to code up something I can (and want to) use with each of these tools.
Ring Training
Developing some of the more advanced gymnastics skills geared towards rings is interesting, but far from necessary for my fitness goals. Being able to perform an iron cross would be a satisfactory endpoint for me.
Chemistry, Biology, Material Science, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Architecture, Construction
See my explanation of other formal academic pursuits above.
Data Visualization
When I can use D3 and/or Processing to create interesting, informative readouts of data, this goal will be met.
Pixel Art and 3D Modeling
My goal here is to be able to produce character and scenery designs for video games, and with 3D modeling specifically, to be able to do architectural rendering.
To be able to create an attractive map of the world in which my oldest novel project is set would be awesome.
Cinematography and Video Editing
Using these skills in the production of one short film would let me check these off the list.
Industrial Design and Interior Design
For designing and implementing my own furniture and home fixtures, naturally! Applying these skills in a home I designed myself would be a delicious cherry on top of the architectural sundae.
One sculpture in stone, one in metal, one of mixed materials: all of them human-scaled. Boom, done.
Tailoring and Costume Design
Taking my cosplay to the next level. One really excellent costume would be sufficient . . . for now.
Voice Acting
Just performing one voice-over role would meet my goal here.
No sense of measure for this one yet, I just want to be able to socially cut a rug.
Stand-Up Comedy
One gig, even if it's a flop, just to say I've done it.
Other Martial Arts
These would supplement and round-out my Muay Thai/BJJ-centered fighting style, and maybe give me a unique edge, but this is likely only something I'd pursue if I took fighting beyond one match. I'd want to develop these skills well enough to use them in a fight.
. . .
And there you have it, folks. Those of you who have read the posts covering the set-up will notice that it took me until late on Monday to finish up a summary I'd intended to have done by Sunday. I could make all sorts of excuses, but I'll say what I really think and feel, which is that this sort of thing is exactly why I want a journal of accountability for myself. I'm earnest and a hard worker, but I do tend to let myself get distracted at times. Hopefully, we can beat that habit out of me.
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